The Cat House, Anglesey
A solo explore and one that probably wasn't best suited to being alone inside. I can only think that whoever last lived her had either one very hungry cat or many cats as every floor in every room was carpeted in discarded cat food packets and some dog food packets too. The smell inside on this hot sunny day wasn't too pleasant either.
I set about photographing the house and started upstairs. Trying to get my tripod on some floor that wasn't covered in belongings - not to mention the aforementioned packets - wasn't easy and it was necessary to move things just to have my tripod on flat flooring.
Information regarding the last residents is only that a Miss Killender lived here. Documents addressed to her were found yet no documents were found relating to any man of the house. That being said, because of the dirt which covered most things inside the house I didn't delve amongst documents so there may have been some.
The 2 bedrooms upstairs contained only female items from handbags, fur coats and jewellery. No male items could be seen so it may have been that Miss Killender lived here alone throughout her time here or that her partner may have died long ago and so any possessions cleared out.
Each room was photographed over a 2 hour period which was longer than I had intended to stay inside. The house was covered in blackened cobwebs in every nook and cranny, thankfully no spiders lived in them.
The book case downstairs was quite impressive with a huge collection of books on many different subjects - mainly non-fiction.
So, another house abandoned, more possessions just left behind. Another puzzle waiting to be answered.