Puzzle House

A long way down a very small country lane this house is sat high up on a slope looking down on the surrounding country side, it seems too small for its place in its location. After hiking up the slope with mandatory heavy camera gear I made my way inside after beating back the over grown gardens.
The first thing that was apparent was this was not going to be easy in terms of space and the height of the rooms. Ceilings hung too low for a chap of my height so a lot of the photos were taken with me contorted into some unnatural position.
In the kitchen the obligotary hearth at one end, but the room was also a dining area. Clothes still hung up on a piece of rope covered in dust and beoming damp from the lack of heating this place has had for a while.
As the house was so small it had the feel of a holiday home to it yet contained so many personal items and everyday bits and pieces it was odd that it would just be left to decay in the manner it had. In the lounge area were a previous occupants pair of shoes by the fireplace, neatly placed the last time they were worn. Many traditional board games and puzzles left behind. The highlight for me was a vintage toy puppet soldier, maybe a child's toy but seemingly unwanted anymore.
The decor in there was a mish-mash of styles, as if each small bit had been added to over many decades, 1970's meets the 1980's entwined in a confused state of visuals. It did add an uncertain feel to the place.
Upstairs was just one large room with two beds still covered in linen. Several old oil lamps hung in odd places, were they once in use or just someone's collection? The bedroom was more decayed than downstairs as water was coming through the ancient uncared for roof, water drops splashing on a decaying carpet.
A real puzzle. Not the typical abandoned house. Crammed full of people's lives, yet apparently left behind as nature begins its reclamation process. Puzzle house remains a hidden mystery.