Poppy Manor, Chester

Driving home through Chester after a shoot elsewhere in Wales this house was spotted from the road purely by chance. No history can be found about it whatsoever so the photogrpahs will have to tell the story.
The exterior makes for a rather grand building however inside it has been modernised yet seems to have been abandoned with decay already setting in. Net curtains fluttering at the windows, butterflies lay where they passed away. No other signs of life with even the red poppies in the wallpaper looking tired.
From google earth images, it seems this house was inhabited as recent as 2009 yet it just seems to have been forgotten. Smashed downstairs windows left unrepaired connecting the outsdie world with its interior.
I will no doubt drive past this house in the future as it is on the route I take to get to Wales so i'll keep an eye on it whether to see its progress or continuing decline into ruins.