Manor Lament

Once a beautiful family home until tragedy struck and the family abandoned it, locking the front door and never returning. Of all the houses I've photographed this one has the saddest history. Nothing was touched, nothing moved, a true documentation as it was found.
Suffice to say the true history will not be written here as it is easy to find with a Google search and the integrity of the house has to be kept.
Moving around the once cherished home was stepping in to a moment where everything just came to a grinding halt. A toothbrush used for the last time, personal items just left in situ, surplus to requirements. So may walls adormed with family portraits of generations of a family that just could not stay here anymore. A name spelt out using ordinary objects a reminder of who a bedroom belonged to as her letters lay scattered on the water soaked and decaying floor.
The house is there to buy to anyone who wants a beautiful home surrounded by countryside in a quiet part of the world. It'll be a race against time as torrents of water gush in from a leaking roof as to whether it will ever be restored to its former glory.