Maison Mariarche

This particular location was on our to do list last year but we ran out of time so pencilled it in for the recent Easter tour of France and Belgium. Along with Becci [Ninja Kitten] we popped inside rather effortlessly despite some prior warnings we had been given.
The house was set alone in the grounds surrounded by outhouses suggesting this was once a farm in its day whereas now it is just another abandoned Belgian home with vintage items left inside as the decay takes hold.
Becci raced off upstairs whilst I photographed the downstairs, large rooms with artefacts still in place including several faces from the past staring out from the walls and mantlepieces.
Upstairs was the star of the show for sure, 3 bedrooms brooding with atmosphere, beds with messy bed linen still on, net curtains yellowing with age. One of the bedrooms with the red bed linen was a girl's bedroom judging by all the school books in the cupboard. I wonder where she is now?
The best bedroom had to be the decaying room with the crooked picture of Christ on the wall above a typical large wooden bed. On a table a model ship highlighted with strong afternoon sunlight through the sky light devoid of glass. That room was quite macabre in its feel.
Beyond the bedrooms were a few steps up to the large attic. A crib dormant in the corner, crucifixes leaning up against the unwashed windows surrounded by cobwebs. All the ingredients of a great abandoned home rolled into one. There was even some quintessential vintage wallpaper so often found in these Belgian homes. Overstated colours blaring out from walls. A couple of hours and we were done photographing and on to the next location, The Boucherie Guipetto with its nice VHS collection as an added surprise.