The House of Cracks, Mani

Another holiday in what I consider my spiritual home; Greece. In the burning 35 degree heat I decided to explore the old part of this ancient coastal town. Struggling to walk up the tiny winding streets which snaked between houses, near to the top, this little dwelling came into view. A large white cat sitting on the doorstep watches me as I sit and take a breather. A peer through the window and there is obvious decay and a feel of abandonment. An old bed, sheets strewn on the floor looked unused for years. The tv at the end of the bed switched off and unplugged.
Stepping inside the little house revealed so much clutter, remnants of former lives. Personal items left behind, yet no clue as to who lived there. probably the most beautiful location I have photographed, a wooden chair still on the balcony with views of the sea under a deep blue sky. I imagined whilst sitting there how it would be to live there, to while away the evenings in this exquisite spot. Where life moves slowly in the heat of the day, life in this little house belonged only to the still watching white cat.
Gythio, Greece is a coastal town located at the South Peloponnese on the western side of the Laconian Gulf. According to Greek mythology, it was founded by Hercules and Apollo.
This residential house was found whilst wandering around the old town which was built on the slopes of the Akoumaros mountain which overlooks the sea. The old town whilst retaining it’s charm contains many abandoned buildings, the one here was left quite intact with much of the last occupants personal items still inside.
There is no available history to the house except the last occupant was male judging by the clothes left behind. How long the house has been empty remains a mystery though.