Alice's House
This is the most remote house I've ever photographed. The walk to the house took just under two hours in the blazing sun but it was worth it.
The planning was quite extreme for this house. Looking at the house on Google Earth and also using old fashioned OS maps to get an idea of the public footpaths, I carefully planned the route to the house and made arrangements with my lovely lady - Smaragdi - to have a day out in Yorkshire together and do the long walk to the house and have a picnic on arrival outside the house. We parked up and started the long walk to the house across the terrain heading straight into the strong sun which made things even tougher than they otherwise were. The whole trek lasted nearly two hours and then we finally arrived at the house, nestled amongst trees in the middle of nowhere. We sat down and had our snacks and refreshments then I wrestled with the masses of nettles - getting stung on multiple occasions - surrounding the house and went inside whilst Smaragdi sat in the sun and relaxed, enjoying the peace and quiet and spectacular views across the Yorkshire countryside.
This house is unique in that it is not connected to the electricity or gas network probably as it's so remote. I'd imagine outside generators were used to bring in electricity to the house. In many rooms, cables were attached to walls with hanging lamps on to give some light although vintage oil lamps were still in every room and may have been used right up until the last resident passed away.
The house was full of the possessions from when the house was lived in. Everything was tired and covered in dust and the walls to the house in a state of decay suggesting no one has lived here for quite some time. It really is a forgotten little house away from the mania of everyday life. The name - Alice was given to the house already although I am not sure who Alice is. I didn't look at documents whilst in the house so didn't get an idea of the names associated with the house. My legs were in so much pain from the nettles that I didn't stay inside any longer than I needed to. Having said that, I was inside for nearly two hours.
Within a couple of weeks of my visit to this amazing house, Photographs have emerged online of an albeit different looking house. Apparently, someone took it upon themselves to walk the long journey with the sole intention of smashing the house up - words fail me sometimes.